MR - 01 Adhyaa Putri Rayhanun

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  • Osis
  • Studio sebelas
  • English conversation club
  • theater sangsetia
  • Deskripsi

Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Garut, 17 Jul 2007

Hello everyone, Sampurasun! My name is Adhyaa Putri Rayhanun, I was born In Garut on 17 July 2007. I lived in Garut Kota, I'm currently a student of Senior Highschool Sebelas Garut. My hobby is exercise. I would describe myself as a curious & creative fast learner. I have a passion especially in the language, art, culture, nature, food and music. At school, i am known as a historic & english girl student. My motivation to joined this audition is to learn, experience & improve my insight which I think will apply well to this role. I wish if one day i will become a Mojang Jajaka Rumaja 2023, I can express my idea also, make a several way how to introduce Garut (Culture, Creativity, & Nature) to the World.